The movie has been directed by none other than Ram Gopal Verma (RGV) and has Amitabh Bachchan, Reitiesh Deshmukh, Sudeep and Paresh Rawal in the lead roles. The movie also has Gul Panag, Neetu Chandra, Rajat Kapoor, Mohnish Behl and Rajpal Yadav.
Amitabh Bachchan plays the role of Vijay Harshvardhan Malik, a founder of a private news channel, India 24/7. Because of his journalistic ethics, his channel is battling it hard for survival. Jay, played by Sudeep, his son looks at his father's channel as a pure business enterprise and thinks that it must anyhow make profits to stay in the race and survive. He hates that his competitor, Mohnish Behl is doing it so well, better than him.
The story gets interesting when a corrupt politician, Mohan Pandey (Paresh Rawal) wants to use the channel to his advantage by using Amitabh's son-in-law Navin, played by Rajat Kapoor. Pandey aspires to be the Prime Minister and starts a vicious campaign against his political opponent.
Navin, an ambitious man, who wants to be the number one industrialist in the country, involves his brother-in-law, Jay in Pandey's game plan of campaigning against his opponent.
Amitabh has acted brilliantly yet again. Sudeep is dynamic and has performed superbly. Paresh Rawal after a series of comic roles, would once again be seen in a villianous role.
Amitabh Bachchan plays the role of Vijay Harshvardhan Malik, a founder of a private news channel, India 24/7. Because of his journalistic ethics, his channel is battling it hard for survival. Jay, played by Sudeep, his son looks at his father's channel as a pure business enterprise and thinks that it must anyhow make profits to stay in the race and survive. He hates that his competitor, Mohnish Behl is doing it so well, better than him.
The story gets interesting when a corrupt politician, Mohan Pandey (Paresh Rawal) wants to use the channel to his advantage by using Amitabh's son-in-law Navin, played by Rajat Kapoor. Pandey aspires to be the Prime Minister and starts a vicious campaign against his political opponent.
Navin, an ambitious man, who wants to be the number one industrialist in the country, involves his brother-in-law, Jay in Pandey's game plan of campaigning against his opponent.
Amitabh has acted brilliantly yet again. Sudeep is dynamic and has performed superbly. Paresh Rawal after a series of comic roles, would once again be seen in a villianous role.
Movie Review